Praise the lord!!! The clinic is open!!!!
I received some wonderful news from Pastor Haythem, our partner in Amman Jordan: the medical & dental clinic has opened earlier than expected! Already, in the first two weeks, doctors & medical personnel helped more than 800 patients, all refugees from the wars in Syria & Iraq! Dreams Alive have been in partnership with Pastor Haythem and the Evangelical Philadelphia Nazarene Church in Marka, Amman Jordan for several years. Marka holds more than 50,000 families from Syria and Iraq including 700 families from Mosul, a Christian region in northern Iraq that was overrun by Islamic State in August 2014. To learn more about our ministry partnership in Marka, please refer to last month’s newsletter.
Long before we decided to open a clinic, many Iraqi and Syrian families came to the Church every day asking for some medical assistance. It is very difficult for them to visit private doctors or buy medicine, as the fees are very high. We thought about buying a Mobile Medical Clinic but this turned out to be extremely expensive plus the law prohibited the use of missionary doctors unless they serve in a church clinic. So we began praying to open a church clinic and began looking for a building. We were delighted when two apartments above the church, in the same building, became available. We rented them both with joy in our hearts - surely this was the Lord!
You, the friends of Dreams Alive, have financed much of this project and we will continue helping as long as there is need! The Lord has provided a doctor, himself a refugee from Iraq, to serve on staff full-time and a Jordanian doctor on staff part-time. Medical & Dental teams from other nations have been welcomed to come serve in short-term mission trips. Already a team from Brazil was able to help.
Dreams Alive will host an American team in April, our first, and we’re working on a team from Bahrain to go another week. If you are a medical professional and would like to donate a week to serve, please contact me at your earliest opportunity. Isn’t it wonderful that, by God’s grace, your gifts, and Arab Christians serving with us, we now have a Medical Center? And because we operate in a church, we are free to share the Gospel with the patients, and hopefully introduce them to the Great Physician, Jesus! Thank YOU so much for caring!
Long before we decided to open a clinic, many Iraqi and Syrian families came to the Church every day asking for some medical assistance. It is very difficult for them to visit private doctors or buy medicine, as the fees are very high. We thought about buying a Mobile Medical Clinic but this turned out to be extremely expensive plus the law prohibited the use of missionary doctors unless they serve in a church clinic. So we began praying to open a church clinic and began looking for a building. We were delighted when two apartments above the church, in the same building, became available. We rented them both with joy in our hearts - surely this was the Lord!
You, the friends of Dreams Alive, have financed much of this project and we will continue helping as long as there is need! The Lord has provided a doctor, himself a refugee from Iraq, to serve on staff full-time and a Jordanian doctor on staff part-time. Medical & Dental teams from other nations have been welcomed to come serve in short-term mission trips. Already a team from Brazil was able to help.
Dreams Alive will host an American team in April, our first, and we’re working on a team from Bahrain to go another week. If you are a medical professional and would like to donate a week to serve, please contact me at your earliest opportunity. Isn’t it wonderful that, by God’s grace, your gifts, and Arab Christians serving with us, we now have a Medical Center? And because we operate in a church, we are free to share the Gospel with the patients, and hopefully introduce them to the Great Physician, Jesus! Thank YOU so much for caring!
A Pakistani friend of mine, Isaac Inayat (right image) serves in Bahrain as an evangelical pastor & has a wonderful ministry among migrant workers from Pakistan. Recently he told me that his home church in Gujranwala had been ruined by an earthquake & must be rebuilt. I brought this to the Dreams Alive board & even though Pakistan is not an Arab country, we decided to help them financially. Less than 2% of the population is Christian & many of these are impoverished. This was our rational for giving. Please pray for these wonderful brothers & sisters in the Lord that they can rebuild their church to God’s glory! |
Five years ago Dirk Kleinloh and I began hosting a missions conference in Jordan for workers across North Africa and the Middle East. This year, after 15 years of service in Jordan, Dirk and his family returned to their home in Germany. Calvary Chapel Global offered to step in and host the conferences, a welcome relief for two reasons: 1) It’s a lot of work to host & coordinate a conference for people from over 22 nations! 2) CCG has much more contact with regional workers so now we can bless more people! This year’s conference was held in Istanbul Turkey and it was a wonderful time of refreshment. By God’s grace the conferences will continue. You are welcome to join us next time to meet, pray with, and encourage God’s helpers in the M.E. During the conference we connected with a few like-minded American workers in the region. In the near future we will be financially supporting a few ministry projects with these new partners. For example, Paul & Wendy Tillman are friends that have worked in Northern Iraq for 8 years. Like Sue & I they know that the days of ISIS and the dictatorship in Syria are numbered. We want to help rebuild Iraq & Syria when the killing ends. We’re talking about starting a construction company in Iraq & hiring internally displaced Iraqi Christians. Please pray with us that we’re all led by the Spirit and not our own emotions and imaginations. We’ll introduce our new partners in future newsletters. Way back in the 1980’s while serving in Egypt, we had a desire to see Lebanon. Those were the days when Hezbollah & Palestinians were hijacking airplanes & hating Americans, so we never went. This September the Lord opened a door for us to visit Lebanon, even driving through a Hezbollah stronghold, the area where suicide bombers killed more than 40 people last week! Sue & I investigated several ministries looking for opportunities to strengthen them, especially if they worked with persecuted Christians & refugees. We visited 2 Children’s Homes, 3 pastors, & the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary. As a result Dreams Alive is building a playground for the Kindergarten and 1st grade at one of the Children’s Homes that also offers a school for refugee children. More on that in the next newsletter! There’s still time to join us March 1-11 for a Bible Teaching Trip to Israel. If you’d like to join us contact Johanna Green at Mayfair Travel 856-735-0411. | Opportunities to serve BAHRAIN: Do you have a bachelor degree in education? Al Rajah school in Manama, is in need of a high school English teacher. Begun by American missionaries over 100 years ago, Al Rajah is a great place to teach. This is a paid position with an annual flight home, housing allowance, & NO TAXES! Please write to us or apply online. JORDAN: Long & short-term opportunities are available with our partners in Amman. Join a team of more than 30 Believers dedicated to aiding suffering Christians & other refugees. Praise the Lord! We now have a pastoral intern in Bahrain at Saar Fellowship. James Travis hails from England and will serve as youth leader and worship team coordinator while studying with Calvary Chapel University online. The Lord has met our needs at the church as well as given me an enthusiastic brother in Christ to mentor! God answers pray & we count on your continued prayers! Thank You for Being a “Helper” Fred Rogers, Christian Pastor & Children’s TV host wrote, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people helping.” To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.” By being our friends, praying for our work & giving financially, you are one the world’s “Helpers.” We thank you and want you to know that all financial gifts to Dreams Alive are used to share the Gospel in word & deed. Most of our funds provide relief to refugees from Islamic State in Iraq & the war in Syria. If you feel led to give, checks may be sent to PO Box 78, West Creek, NJ 08092. Or you can use PayPal via our webpage: We appreciate your friendship, prayers, & gifts. If you’d like more information about serving with Dreams Alive or if you simply want to write, please email us at [email protected] or call +973 3993 5354 |